LTX Unique

LTX Unique – highlights of the technology

LTX Unique is an analytical instrument which allows precise determination of halogens with easy-to-use operation. This combustion analyzer is dedicated to determination of AOX, EOX, POX and TX parameters. Removable and easy-to-exchange concept of AOX, EOX and POX modules together with intuitive and comprehensive Engine LT software platform gives the operator flexibility and fast throughput at low cost operation.


  • High temperature furnace with adjustable temperature control
  • Robust combustion tube allows efficient and time-optimized combustion proces
  • Pre-treatment before the combustion process
  • Same combustion unit for AOX and EOX determination

Microcoulometric Titration

  • Durable and easy-to-use titration cell designed by Labtech
  • Wide dynamic range and high stability microcoulometer
  • Robust and compact electrodes with low and easy maintenance
  • Suitable for a separate determination of halides

Sample Introduction and Measurement

  • Measurement of organic halogens in liquide and solid samples
  • Both quarts boats and frits are supported
  • Fast and easy switch over between AOX and EOX modules conected to the same measurement unit
  • Intuitive application SW quides the operator and save time for analysis

Determination of Organic Halogens

LTX Unique meets with all requirement in AOX analysis and other international and local standards are also supported (e.g. EOX, POX and TX methods). Halogens can be determined from a wide range of matrices by combustion process and microcoulemetric measurement. The following examples can give an overview how organically bound halogens are determinated:

  • AOX (Adsorbable Organic Halogens)

    according to ISO 9562, DIN EN 9562, DIN 38 414-S18, ASTM D 4744-89, EPA Method 450.1, EPA Test Method 9020

    Halogens are measured by sorption of organohalides from the aqueous sample on activated charcoal according to standardizes procedures. This charcoal is introduced to cumbustion tube.

  • EOX (Extractable Organic Halogens)

    according to NEN 6402, DIN 38409-H8, DIN 38414-S17.

    These organic halogens are determinated by extraction with low polar solvent.

  • POX (Purgeable Organic Halogens)

    according DIN 38414-S17, EPA Test Method 9021

    Volatile organic halogens as purched components are measured from water or suspension in inert gas at certain temperature.

  • TX (Total Organic Halogens)

    according to EPA 9076

    Determination of TX is run on a wide range of liquid hydrocarbon samples without any separation.


Dimensions 970 x 360 x 295 mm (W x D x H)
Weight 27 kg
Furnace temp. Max. 1100 °C
Power supply 230 V / 50 Hz, max.1100 W
Gas requirements Oxygen 99.6 % (AOX/EOX)
Argon 99.996 % (EOX)
Software ENGINE LT
PC Windows® 10
Detector Microcoulometer with Ag indication electrode
Titration currents 2000, 200, 20 and 2 uA
Measuring range 0,1 - 300 µg Cl-
Limit of detection 0,02 µg Cl-